
Board Appoints Co-Executive Directors Daniel Torres & Josh McCurry

In May, Flintridge Center’s founder and President Jaylene Moseley passed away. As the organization moves forward following this tragic loss, Flintridge Center’s Board of Directors appointed Daniel Torres and Josh McCurry to the roles of Co-Executive Directors.

“Co-Executive Directors is a new leadership model for the Center, but if any two individuals can make it work to enhance the Center’s commitment to continue the work Jaylene began, Daniel and Josh are the ones who can do it,” said Board Chair Dr. James Kossler.

Daniel, Co-Executive Director of Programs, is himself a graduate of Flintridge Center’s Apprenticeship Preparation Program who worked as a marble finisher for Local 4 before joining Flintridge in 2014. Since then, Daniel has served the organization in nearly every capacity imaginable, from community outreach and curriculum instruction to forging organizational partnerships and advocacy. With this unique perspective, Daniel works tirelessly to provide opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals locally and as a respected leader throughout the state.

Josh, Co-Executive Director of Administration, was born and raised in Pasadena, where he graduated from Polytechnic School before attending Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. After working in youth development in Texas and Hawaii, Josh returned to his home community of Pasadena, joining the Flintridge team in 2016. As the organization’s Research & Development Specialist, Josh has played a critical role in resource development and organizational planning. His thoughtful approach to the mission and vision of the organization are evident throughout his work.

Throughout their time at Flintridge, both Daniel and Josh have proven their talent as leaders in the organization. Kossler added, “The Board felt especially fortunate to have two talented and dedicated individuals who had already been groomed by Jaylene herself for leadership positions in the organization.” As Flintridge celebrates the appointment of Daniel and Josh, we send our gratitude to our community of partners and friends for their support.

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