Congrats, APP Class 39!

“Nobody’s judging you. Everyone’s in the same place. Honestly, hearing that ‘good morning’ from everyone turns over your whole day.”
– Justin, Class 39 Graduate
The 39th class of the Apprenticeship Preparation Program (APP) graduated in early August 2021 after 10 weeks of preparation for careers in union construction. As they worked through the MC3 curriculum, practiced hands-on skills, and participated in life skills, one thing that became clear was the importance of community within the class.
One graduate, Chris, was recently incarcerated, and after getting out last year he joined the APP for a new opportunity. Chris spoke to the importance of camaraderie among the class: “With me, it always being dependent on others and collaborating. If I succeed, the person next to me will too.”
Detrick, another graduate, shared that: “Everyone deserves a second chance. There are so many jobs out there for people with felonies and you don’t even know.” Since the end of the program, the graduates have been busy with the union application process and one graduate has already entered into Local 4 and had his first day this week!