
Introducing Class 35

Between learning the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum, employment development, math practice and more, the APP class is keeping busy. So far, the class has completed their OSHA-10 Certification, CPR/First Aid Certification, and a tour of the IBEW.

Almost three weeks in to the class, here’s what a few of the students have to say about the APP so far:

Robert B.: “I’ve enjoyed everything – learning about the history of unions, brushing up on my math skills. I find 2nd Call classes really helpful in learning how to communicate better. I’m looking forward to completing this class, applying to Local 11 and becoming an inside wireman.”

Shonn: “I like 2nd Call a lot. Everyone has each other’s backs and is so supportive no matter what’s going on or where they come from.” 2nd Call provides weekly trauma-informed life skills classes to the class.

Ellison: “My favorite part has been just learning what I can expect out in the field, learning all that I can about safety and the union I want to get into. I’ve really enjoyed building a relationship with a lot of the people in the class. We came in here and now we’re like family. Week 1 everyone was quiet, but now in week 3 it’s like another family. That helps me.”

Daniel: “My highlight so far is the job opportunities, going to sites and meeting people. Over the next 8 weeks, I’m looking forward to seeing even more opportunities. I had connections in the construction field before I went to jail. This program is helping rebuild those connections.”

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