Now Is The Time To Be A Mentor
Did you know that January was National Mentoring Month?
All month long we celebrated our Youth of Promise mentors and mentees — our mentees got to hang out with the Clippers as part of the Mentor Assist Zone program, we connected with our mentoring partner programs at the Pasadena Mentoring Partners breakfast, and new mentor-mentee matches were born. This month, we’re looking forward to a family bowling night, more fun events with the Clippers, and a special mentee workshop.
Our Youth of Promise mentoring program matches Washington Middle School youth that need guidance with caring, supportive adult mentors. Mentoring helps young people improve their performance in school and strengthen their emotional well-being.
We have great mentors from many parts of the Pasadena community, but we always need more. There are a lot of young people in our community that are in need of support, and you can be the one to help them.
To find out more about how you can become a mentor and change a child’s life for the better, contact Lisa.