October is Awesome for the Youth of Promise

Our Youth of Promise are busy as ever with the school year in full swing, but they still find time to roll up their sleeves and give back. In the past month, youth have volunteered on a number of local projects that have contributed to the health of the Pasadena community. Early in October, YOP joined Food Forward to collect nearly 600 pounds of fresh produce to donate to the homeless via Friends In Deed. Last week, the youth pitched in at the Altadena Library’s Halloween Costume Swap event, organizing costumes and helping with event flow.
We had a super fun time taking the youth to a Clippers game and the Getty Museum. And in case you missed it in Pasadena Now, we participated in a special screening of “They Call Us Monsters,” followed by a discussion on youth gang violence. The excitement doesn’t stop for our Youth of Promise all year round! Stay tuned for more updates. And be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to learn more about what they’re up to.