Sharing Knowledge With the Community

When proposition 47 released low-level offenders from prisons, the savings in incarceration costs were passed along to agencies like ours, in order to successfully reintegrate formerly incarcerated individuals into the community. We’re using our Prop 47 grant for a lot of exciting new services, such one-on-one mental health counseling and substance use support groups. We’re also using the grant to provide innovative training opportunities to local providers that will expand the reach of our services. Right now, our partner K-Rahn Vallatine of Live Above The Hype is leading a 10-week workshop that will produce facilitators trained in his life skills curriculum for justice-involved youth. Meanwhile, our partner Skipp Townsend of 2nd Call is training local community members to conduct outreach to formerly incarcerated and gang-impacted young adults. These training will ultimately widen our impact to more community members that need our services. Stay tuned for more updates on how our reintegration services evolve!