
Youth of Promise Go Back To School

It’s that time of year again!


We celebrated the start of the school year with our annual Youth of Promise Back-To-School BBQ. We played bingo, raffled off prizes, and chowed down on burgers and hot dogs. Also, two of our high school youth presented motivational posters they made at a recent goal-setting workshop. At the end of the night, everyone got backpacks and school supplies donated by amazing supporters. It’s awesome seeing mentors, kids, and families come together for a night of fun before school stress sets in.


The Youth of Promise program supports young people in our community that are at risk of becoming involved in gangs or incarcerated. Community volunteers mentor youth, acting as positive role models and guiding them through life challenges. This year, we’re also providing academic support, trips to college campuses and museums, life skills, career planning, and more positive opportunities.

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