Youth of Promise is Ready to Rise!
As the school year gets into full swing, our Youth of Promise program is back to regularly scheduled programming! This includes weekly tutoring at Flintridge and partner Aspires West, monthly community service events, fun events and more.
This year, Flintridge is one of 20 youth-serving organizations in L.A. County participating in the Ready to Rise initiative. Ready to Rise is a public-private partnership between L.A. County Probation, Liberty Hill Foundation and California Community Foundation with the goal of expanding resources and opportunities for programs that keep youth out of the criminal justice system.
“Our youth need support and encouragement to fulfill their potential. We know that the solutions to support youth who have experienced trauma and other challenging circumstances have always been grown and nurtured in communities.” — Liberty Hill President & CEO Shane Murphy Goldsmith
We’re so excited to be part of this initiative alongside community-based organizations throughout Los Angeles while continuing our work to expand opportunity for youth in Pasadena.